API Reference


Place an order for currency conversion

Weight: 1 time / second

Request Parameters

quoteIdSTRINGY8f92785969df4683a4a688cd8b9f9533A unique reference ID for this quote. Generated from the response via getQuote endpoint.
clientOrderIdSTRING122455An ID defined by the client for the order; it will be automatically generated if not sent in the request.
buyCurrencySTRINGYHKDThe currency which the client wants to buy.
sellCurrencySTRINGYUSDThe currency which the client wants to sell.
buyAmountDECIMALConditional1000The amount which the client wants to buy from the bank in buyCurrency. Only one amount out of buyAmount & sellAmount should be specified.
sellAmountDECIMALConditional-The amount which the client wants to sell to the bank in sellCurrency. Only one amount out of buyAmount & sellAmount should be specified.

Response Content

accountIdLONG1644290379632090370Account number
quoteIdSTRING8f92785969df4683a4a688cd8b9f9533A unique reference ID for this quote
clientOrderIdSTRING122455An ID defined by the client for the order; it will be automatically generated if not sent in the request
orderIdSTRINGFX624613599962509312The orderId generated by HashKey
statusSTRINGIN_PROGRESSStatus of transaction
buyCurrencySTRINGHKDCurrency to buy
sellCurrencySTRINGUSDCurrency to sell
buyAmountDECIMAL1000The amount which the client wants to buy from the bank in buyCurrency. Only one amount out of buyAmount & sellAmount should be specified
sellAmountDECIMAL128.126000The amount which the client wants to sell to the bank in sellCurrency. Only one amount out of buyAmount & sellAmount should be specified
rateDECIMAL0.128126Indicative rate
transactTimeLONG1726727487548Timestamp in milliseconds
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