API Reference

Error Codes

List of error codes

200 200Success request
0000200successSuccess request
0001400Required field '%s' missing or invalidRequired field '%s' missing or invalid. E.g. Required field quantity missing or invalid
0001400Incorrect signatureThe server is not able to valid your signature request. Please check your signature whether it have the correct signing.
0003400Rate limit exceededRate limit exceed per configuration. Please manage the number of your request
0102400Invalid APIKeyThere was an issue validating your API Key permission. Please check your API Key permission
0103400APIKey expiredAPI-key has expired. Please login to Account management console to renew the API key
0104400accountId is not allowedThe accountId defined is not permissible
0201400Instrument not foundThe instrument defined cannot be located
0202400Invalid IPOur server detected the IP addresses submitted for the API request does not match API key whitelisted IP address
0206400Unsupported order typeInvalid order type being sent to the server
0207400Invalid priceInvalid price being sent to the server
0209400Invalid price precisionThe precision price is over the maximum allowed for this asset
0210400Price outside of allowed rangePrice of the order below minPrice or exceeds maxPrice range. Please check exchangeInfo
0211400Order not foundOur server not able to locate the orderId defined
0401400Insufficient assetThere is insufficient balance to submit the order
-1000 400An unknown error occurred while processing the requestAn issue generated by our server
-1001 400Internal errorUnable to process your request. Please try again
-1002 400Unauthorized operationServer is not able to validate your API Key. Please ensure you have the valid API Key to the corresponding environment
-1004 400Bad requestThere was an issue with to process your request. Please check your parameters or values are valid
-1005 400No permissionIt appears there is insufficient trading permission. Please check your permission
-1006 400Execution status unknownAn unexpected response was received from the message bus
-1007 400Timeout waiting for response from serverTimeout waiting for response from backend server. Send status unknown; execution status unknown
-1014 400Unsupported order combinationThe order combination specified is not supported
-1015 400Too many new orders, current limit is %s orders per %sReach the rate limit .Please slow down your request speed.
Too many new orders.
-1020 400Unsupported operationUser operation is not supported
-1021 400Timestamp for this request is outside of the recvWindowTimestamp for this request was 1000ms ahead of the server's time.

Please check the difference between your local time and server time
-1024400Duplicate requestDuplicate request received
-1101400Feature has been offlineFeature has been offline, please check with API team for further details
-1115400Invalid timeInForceInvalid time in force being sent
-1117400Invalid order sideInvalid side being sent
-1123400Invalid client order idInvalid client order ID being sent
-1124400Invalid priceInvalid price being sent
-1126400Invalid quantityInvalid quantity being sent
-1129400Invalid parameters, quantity and amount are not allowed to be sent at the same time.The combination of quantity and amount is not allowed to be submitted at the same time
-1130400Illegal parameter '%s'Invalid data sent for a parameter. E.g. "Illegal parameter 'symbol'"
-1132400Order price greater than the maximumOrder price exceeds maxPrice. Check ExchangeInfo
-1133400Order price lower than the minimumOrder price below the threshold minPrice. Check ExchangeInfo
-1135400Order quantity greater than the maximumOrder quantity exceeds the maxQty. Check ExchangeInfo
-1136400Order quantity lower than the minimumOrder quantity below threshold minQty. Check ExchangeInfo
-1137400Order quantity precision too largeOrder quantity precision is too large
-1139400Order has been filledUnable to fulfill request as order has been filled
-1140400Order amount lower than the minimumThe transaction amount is below the threshold minAmount. Check ExchangeInfo
-1141400Duplicate orderThe server have detected an existing clientOrderId sent before
-1142400Order has been cancelledUnable to fulfill rquest as order has been canceled
-1143400Order not found on order bookUnable to locate orderbook
-1144400Order has been lockedOrder has been locked
-1145400Cancellation on this order type not supportedThis order type does not support cancellation
-1146400Order creation timeoutNot able to create the order and timed out
-1147400Order cancellation timeoutNot able to cancel the order and timed out
-1148400Order amount precision too largeMarket Cash Amount precision is too long
-1149400Order creation failedOrder creation failed
-1150400Order cancellation failedOrder cancellation failed
-1151400The trading pair is not open yetThe trading is not yet listed for trading
-1152400User does not existUnable to find user
-1153400Invalid price typeInvalid price type being sent
-1154400Invalid position sideInvalid side being sent
-1155400The trading pair is not available for api tradingAPI trading is suspended for API trading
-1156400Limit maker order rejected: Improper price may cause immediate fill.Creation of limit maker order failed as the order execute immediately. For HashKey Global only.
-1160400Account does not existAccount does not exist
-1161400Balance transfer failedTransfer internal funds failed
-1162400Unsupport contract addressContract address submitted is not valid
-1163400Illegal withdrawal addressWithdraw address is not valid
-1164400Withdraw failedWithdraw failed, check if the withdrawal amount meets the minimum withdrawal amount
-1165400Withdrawal amount cannot be nullWithdrawal amount needs to be more than 0
-1166400Withdrawal amount exceeds the daily limitWithdrawal amount exceeded the daily limit allowed
-1167400Withdrawal amount less than the minimumWithdrawal amount less than the min withdraw amount limit
-1168400Illegal withdrawal amountWithdrawal amount characters are not valid
-1169400Withdraw not allowedWithdrawal is currently suspended
-1170400Deposit not allowedDeposit is currently suspended
-1171400Withdrawal address not in whitelistWithdrawal address has not yet been whitelisted
-1172400Invalid from account idThe fromAccountId is invalid
-1173400Invalid to account idThe toAccountId is invalid
-1174400Transfer not allowed between the same accountThe fromAccount should not be equal toAccount
-1175400Invalid fiat deposit statusThe fiat deposit status submitted is invalid
-1176400Invalid fiat withdrawal statusThe fiat withdrawal status submitted is invalid
-1177400Invalid fiat order typeThe fiat order type submitted is invalid
-1182400The newly whitelisted withdrawal address will take effect in 30 min. Please try it later.The newly whitelisted withdrawal address will take effect after a certain time period for the sake of safety. During the mean time, the address is not available
-1193400Order creation count exceeds the limitOrder count have exceeded the amount allowed
-1194400Market order creation forbiddenCreation of market order is forbidden
-1200400Order buy quantity too smallBuy limit quantity below the threshold minQty. Check ExchangeInfo
-1201400Order buy quantity too largeBuy limit quantity exceeds maxQty. Check ExchangeInfo
-1202400Order sell quantity too smallSell limit quantity below the threshold minQty. Check ExchangeInfo
-1203400Order sell quantity too largeSell limit quantity exceeds the maxQty. Check ExchangeInfo
-1204400From account must be a main accountTransfer fromAccountId needs to be a main account
-1205400Account not authorizedAccount is not authorised
-1206400Order amount greater than the maximumThe transaction amount is below the threshold maxAmount. Check ExchangeInfo
-1207400The status of deposit is invalidThe status of deposit submitted is invalid
-1208400The orderType of fiat is invalidThe status of orderType is not valid
-1209400The status of withdraw is invalidThe status of withdraw is not valid
-2010400Limit maker order rejected: Improper price may cause immediate fill.New order request was rejected. Usually this is due to new LIMIT_MAKER order not able to be maker, our system will auto reject the order For HashKey Hong Kong only
-2011400Order cancellation rejectedCancel request was rejected
-2016400API key creation exceeds the limitThe number of API key created have exceeded the limit
-2017400Open orders exceeds the limit of the trading pairThe number of open orders have exceeded the limit for the trading pair
-2018400Trade user creation exceeds the limitThe number of trade user created have exceeded the limit
-2019400Trader and omnibus user not allowed to login appThe trader and omnibus user is not allowed to login to the app
-2020400Not allowed to trade this trading pairThe
-2021400Not allowed to trade this trading pair
-2022400Order batch size exceeds the limitThe number of orders in batchOrders request exceeds its limit
-2023400Need to pass KYC verificationNeed to pass KYC verification in order to use API trading
-2024400Fiat account does not existFiat account ID defined does not exist
-2025400Custody account not existCustody account ID defined does not exist
-2026400Invalid typeThe type defined is invalid
-2027400Exceed maximum time range of 30 daysThe startTime and endTime defined for Fund statement request exceeds the 30 days limit
-3117400Invalid permissionInvalid permission is detected. E.g. APIKey does not have the accountID permission to query the balance of the account
-3143400Currently, your trading account has exceeded its limit and is temporarily unable to perform tradesThe trading account have exceeds its limit capacity. We have temporarily suspended your trading
-3144400Currently, your trading account has exceeded its limit and is temporarily unable to perform transfersThe trading account have exceeds its limit capacity. We have temporarily suspended your transfer
-3145400Please DO NOT submit request too frequentlyWe have detected the rate of your API request have been submitted too frequently. Please manage your API request.
-4001400Invalid assetThe asset specified is invalid
-4002400Withdrawal amount less than the minimum withdrawal amountThe withdrawal amount submitted is less than the minimum amount
-4003400Insufficient BalanceThere was insufficient balance for the asset you are trying to withdraw
-4004400Invalid bank account numberThe bank account has not been whitelisted yet
-4006400Kyc is not certifiedThe user has not passed KYC
-4007400Withdrawal channels are not supportedThe withdrawal channel is not yet supported via API
-4008400This currency does not support this customer typeThe currency is not supported for the client type
-4009400No withdrawal permissionThe API Key do not have withdrawal permission
-4010400Withdrawals on the same day exceed the maximum limit for a single dayThe withdrawal request exceeds the daily maximum limit
-4011400System errorThe system has an internal error. Please contact our API Team
-4012400Parameter errorThe parameter entered was invalid
-4013400Withdraw repeatedlyThe withdrawal has been submitted multiple times. Please wait and try again