Submits a validation request to test endpoint 200 Status OK
The test endpoint is solely to validate the parameters of the new order, it does not send to matching engine
Weight: 1
*Request Parameters**
symbol | STRING | Y | Name of instrument e.g. "BTCUSD", "ETHUSD" |
side | ENUM | Y | BUY or SELL |
type | ENUM | Y | Currently offer 3 order types: - LIMIT - Limit order - MARKET - Market order - LIMIT_MAKER - Maker Limit order |
quantity | DECIMAL | Y | Order amount in units of the instrument. Commonly known as "orderQty" |
price | DECIMAL | C | Required for LIMIT and LIMIT_MAKER order |
newClientOrderId | STRING | An ID defined by the client for the order, it will be automatically generated if it is not sent in the request | |
timeInForce | ENUM | GTC for Limit order, Limit maker order and IOC for Market order | |
recvWindow | LONG | Recv Window. Default 5000 | |
timestamp | LONG | Y | Timestamp |
Response Content