Sandbox Environment

Restful URL: []

WebSocket: [wss://]

FIX: []

To enhance customer user experience and standardize our domain name usage, we plan to adjust the domain names for Hong Kong and Global regions on April 20th. The old domain names will remain valid for 2 weeks. Please migrate to the new domain names as soon as possible to avoid any interruption.




Production Environment

Restful URL: []

WebSocket: [wss://]

FIX: []

REST Sample

import time
import requests
import hashlib
import hmac
import json

# Copyright: Hashkey Trading 2024 All rights reserved.
# Please note the API code is provided "As Is" basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including
# without limitation, warranties that the API code is free of defects, merchantable, non-infringing or fit for a particular purpose

class RestAPIClient:
    def __init__(self, base_url, user_key, user_secret):
        Initialize the RestAPIClient with base URL, user key, and user secret.

            base_url (str): The base URL of the API.
            user_key (str): The user key for authentication.
            user_secret (str): The user secret for authentication.
        self.base_url = base_url
        self.user_key = user_key
        self.user_secret = user_secret
        self.headers = {
            'X-HK-APIKEY': user_key,
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8',

    def get_timestamp(self):
        Get the current timestamp in milliseconds.

            int: The current timestamp.
        return int(time.time() * 1000)

    def create_signature(self, content):
        Create HMAC signature for authentication.

            content (str): The content to be signed.

            str: The HMAC signature.
        content_bytes = content.encode('utf-8')
        hmac_digest =
        return hmac_digest

    def place_order(self, symbol, side, order_type, quantity, price=None):
        Place an order.

            symbol (str): The trading pair symbol (e.g., ETHUSD).
            side (str): The order side (BUY or SELL).
            order_type (str): The order type (LIMIT or MARKET).
            quantity (str): The order quantity.
            price (str, optional): The order price (required for LIMIT orders).

            dict or None: The JSON response if successful, None otherwise.
        timestamp = self.get_timestamp()
        data = {
            "symbol": symbol,
            "side": side,
            "type": order_type,
            "price": price,
            "quantity": quantity,
            "timestamp": timestamp
        if order_type == 'MARKET':
            del data['price']

        data_string = '&'.join([f"{key}={value}" for key, value in data.items()])
        signature = self.create_signature(data_string)
        data['signature'] = signature

        response =
        if response.status_code == 200:
            response_json = response.json()
            print(json.dumps(response_json, indent=4))  # Print formatted JSON response
            return response_json
                error_json = response.json()
                print(json.dumps(error_json, indent=4))  # Print formatted error response
            except json.JSONDecodeError:
                print(f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
            return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Example usage:
    # Create an instance of RestAPIClient with your API credentials
    # For Production please use
    api_client = RestAPIClient(
    # Place an order with the desired parameters
    api_client.place_order("ETHUSDT", "BUY", "LIMIT", "0.01", "3000")

General API Information

  • All responses will return a JSON object or array.

  • Data is returned in ascending order with the earlier data displayed first and subsequent updates appearing later

  • All time or timestamp-related variables are measured in milliseconds (ms)

  • HTTP 4XX error code indicate that the request content is invalid. This typically originates from the client's end.

  • HTTP 429 error code indicates that the request rate limit has been exceeded.

  • HTTP 418 error code when our server have detected the IP address continues to send subsequent requests after receiving 429 error code and is automatically blocked

  • HTTP 5XX indicates an internal system error. This signifies that the issue originates within the trading system. When addressing this error, it's important not to immediately categorise it as a failed task. The execution status is uncertain, it could potentially be either successful or unsuccessful.

  • For GET endpoints, parameters must be sent as query strings.

  • For POST, PUT, and DELETE endpoints, parameters must be sent as query strings or in the request body with the content type set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

  • Request Parameters can be sent in any order.

  • If there are parameters in both query string and request body, only the parameters of query string will be used.

Access Restrictions

  • If any rate limit is violated, a 429 error code will be returned

  • Each API endpoint has an associated with a specific weight, and certain endpoints may possess varying weights based on different parameters. Endpoints that consume more resources will have a higher weight assigned to them.

  • Upon receiving 429 error code, please take precautionary steps to cease sending requests. API abuse is strictly prohibited

  • It is recommended to use Websocket API to obtain corresponding real-time data as much as possible to reduce the traffic of access restrictions caused by frequent API requests.

Order Rate Limiting

  • Unless explicitly stated otherwise, each API Key has a default rate limit of 2 requests per second for query-related endpoints, while order-related endpoints allow 10 requests per second.

  • When the number of orders exceeds the set limit, a response with an HTTP CODE 429 will be received. Please wait 1 minute for the suspended period to expire.

  • Order rate limits are based on each X-HK-APIKEY and will not be associated with other API keys created within the same account.

Endpoint Security Types

  • Each endpoint is assigned a security type that determines how you interact with it.

  • The API-KEY must be passed in the REST API header as X-HK-APIKEY.

  • API-KEY and SECRET-KEY are case-sensitive.

  • By default, API-KEY have access to all secure endpoints.

API-KEY Management

  • Users have to log in the exchange website and apply for an API-KEY, please make sure to remember the following information when creating an API key:

    • Access key: API access key
    • Secret key: The key used for signature authentication encryption (visible to the application only)
  • Users have to assign permissions to API-KEY. There are two kinds of permissions,

    • READ read permission is used for data query interfaces such as order query, transaction query, etc.
    • TRADE read-write permission is used for order placing, order cancelling, including transfer permission whereby user can transfer between subaccounts under the same main trading account
  • Both private REST and WebSocket modes require users to authenticate the transaction through the API-KEY passed in the API header. Refer to the following Authentication chapter for the signature algorithm of the API-KEY.


Please refer to the following URL for Sub-accounts and API Keys management rules: