Check a single order information
Average price can be calculated by cumulativeQuoteQty / executedQty
Weight: 1
Request Parameters
orderId | LONG | C | Order ID |
origClientOrderId | STRING | C | Client order ID |
accountId | STRING | Account ID | |
timestamp | LONG | Y | Timestamp |
Response Content
accountId | LONG | 1453450776554918656 | Account number |
exchangeId | LONG | 301 | Exchange number |
symbol | STRING | BTCUSDT | Trading pair |
symbolName | STRING | BTCUSDT | Trading pair name |
clientOrderId | STRING | 168803658506716316 | An ID defined by the client for the order, it will be automatically generated if it is not sent in the request |
orderId | LONG | 1453750674374393344 | System generated order ID |
price | STRING (decimal) | 28000 | Price |
origQty | STRING (decimal) | 0.01 | Quantity |
executedQty | STRING (decimal) | 0 | Traded volume |
cumulativeQuoteQty | STRING (decimal) | 0 | Cumulative volume. Commonly known as Transaction Amount |
avgPrice | STRING (decimal) | 0 | Average traded price |
status | ENUM | NEW | See Enumeration Definition: Order status for details |
timeInForce | ENUM | GTC | Duration of the order before expiring |
type | ENUM | LIMIT | Order Type |
side | ENUM | SELL | BUY or SELL |
stopPrice | STRING (decimal) | 0.0 | Not used |
icebergQty | STRING (decimal) | 0.0 | Not used |
time | STRING (decimal) | 1688036585077 | Order creation Timestamp |
updateTime | STRING (decimal) | 1688036585084 | Latest update Timestamp according to status |
isWorking | BOOLEAN | TRUE | Not used |
reqAmount | LONG | 0 | Requested Cash amount |
feeCoin | STRING | USDT | The Coin to be charged as commission fee. |
feeAmount | STRING | 0.006 | The commission fee to be charged for the last filled trade without Platform Coin deduction.. The unit is number of the "feeCoin" |
sumFeeAmount | STRING | 0.006 | Accumulated commission to be charged for all trades of the order without Platform Coin deduction. The unit is number of the "feeCoin" |
platformFeeCoin | STRING | HSK | Platform Coin used for commission deduction for the order |
sumPlatformFeeAmount | STRING | 0.01710699553165824 | Accumulated Platform Coin spent as Commission fee deduction for the order The unit is number of the platform coin. |
ordCxlReason | STRING | Order cancel reason |