API Reference

Get RFQ Quote

Get the quote for currency conversion. Must get quote before requesting a currency conversion order

Weight: 100 times / second

Request Parameters

buyCcySTRINGYBTCUSDThe base currency which the client wants to buy
sellCcySTRINGYUSDBTCThe quote currency which the client wants to sell
buyAmountDECIMALConditional2130000The amount of base currency to be purchased.
- Please enter either buyAmount or sellAmount
sellAmountDECIMALConditional1300002The amount of quote currency to be sold.
- Please enter either buyAmount or sellAmount

Response Content

ParameterTypeExample ValuesDescription
quoteIdSTRINGRFQ638459562162049024A unique reference ID for this quote.
quoteClOrderIdSTRINGRFQ12345666(Optional) An ID defined by the client for the quote order. It will be automatically generated if not sent in the request.
buyCcySTRINGBTCCurrency or coin to buy.
sellCcySTRINGUSDTCurrency or coin to sell.
buyPriceDECIMAL130000/2 = 65000 (usdt/ btc)Buy price in quote currency.
sellPriceDECIMAL2 / 130000 = 0.000015384615 (btc/usdt)Sell price in quote currency.
buyAmountDECIMAL2 (btc)The amount of base / buy currency to be purchased.
sellAmountDECIMAL130000 (usdt)The amount of quote / sell currency to be sold.
rateDECIMAL7.79375Indicative rate.
quoteCreatedTimeLONG1725222781Rates are effective as of this timestamp.
quoteExpiryTimeLONG1725222836Rates are valid until this timestamp.
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